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Select Board Minutes 07/21/2015
Tuesday July 21, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Motion 072115-1 - Mr. Mandell, waive the reading of the minutes, accepted as written for July 1 and  July 7, 2015. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Old Business    
Seaboard Solar – Mr. David Thomas gave a brief presentation on net metering credits(NMC).Mr. Thomas gave a brief history of Seaboard’s relationship with the Town of Holland. Seaboard was
trying to set up a project here in Holland with the Town as “host”. The Town as “host” promised to buy net metering credits. Within the contract was a line that was untenable.  The line stated
that Seaboard promised to sell Holland NMC at the lowest rate in the State. Seaboard could not comply with that stipulation. The project stalled.

Now Mr. Thomas would like to sell the Town NMC at a 22% discount. It is a 20 year contract.

Mr. Thomas went into rapid fire detail about how a company gets to connect to the grid by getting inside the cap which is due to be raised.

Mr. Mandell asked Mr. Thomas to explain the pros and cons for the Town if they did not go in on this. Mr. Thomas stated that maybe a better deal may come along during the life of the contract,
which is for 20 years. Mr. Thomas then stated that most towns have already signed in and that he would provide a list of towns that have signed up with Seaboard.  Mr. Thomas stated that many
towns signed up at a fixed rate of about 12 cents per kilowatt hour. With the Seaboard system they are offering a percentage discount of 22% that will not fluctuate.  That means if the Town is
paying 1.00 per kwh, it will be 78 cents per kwh. If the Town is paying 33 cents per kwh, the Town will actually pay only 25.74 cents. The percentage will stay the same as rate changes. Mr.
Thomas then provided 3 original contracts for signatures
Motion 072115-2 – Mr. Mandell, to review the contract and take it under advisement. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted

Motion 072115-3 – Mr. Mandell, to appoint Matt Dumas to the Cable Commission. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
Mr. Dumas was inadvertently omitted from the appointments at the last meeting.

Motion 072115-4 – Mr. Gillen, to table Carahsoft. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted.

Progress on the law suit. Mr. Gillen attended the injunction hearing that was to prevent the recall election from going forward.  The initial hearing was postponed to last week. The hearing was brief. The Judge made it very clear that she had read all the documents provided by the Ms. Dana Manning and the defending attorneys. The Judge ruled that it was against the best interest of the voters to allow the injunctive relief.  

Clarification of the appointment for Building Inspector. That was a 3 year appointment not a 1 year appointment.
Motion 071521-5 – Mr. Mandell, to correct the building inspector appointment from 1 year to a 3 year appointment. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Mr. Mandell explained that the appointment of the Board of Health member was done incorrectly.  Mr. Mandell stated that upon discovering the mistake the parties involved were contacted and informed that the appointment was invalid. Mr. Mandell apologized for the error.

New Business    Jessica Chaffee was introduced as an interested person in the Conservation Commission.  
Motion 072115-6 – Mr. Mandell, to appoint Ms. Chaffee to the Conservation Commission. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Motion 072115-7 – Mr. Mandell, to appoint Kevin Beirrman as alternate plumbing inspector. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted

Announcements Cable – Charlie Thompson has been working tirelessly for the town in order to get the marketing area changed in order to require that Holland get the channels that are important to it.  The Select Board formally thanked Mr. Thompson for all his work and diligent effort on the issue. The Select Board have determined to support the letter from Charlie to the FCC.

Chief Haughey announced there were over 150 people at the community cook out sponsored by the Holland PD.

Mr. Mandell reminded the audience:
  • that there is to be a Candidate night on July 24th at the Community Center. Due to a lack of contact information not all those running were contacted. All candidates are welcome and encouraged to join the event.  
  • Special election  will be held on August 10 from 10 am to 8 pm at the Community Center.
  • Thank you to Holland Pack 8 for mulching and weeding around the Town Hall gardens.  “Job well done Pack 8.”
Appointments :  

Chief Haughey spoke on the current status of the patrol boat for the reservoir.
Currently the boat is out of commission. The repair people who have looked at it have recommended getting a different boat as any repairs will be very costly and won’t actually last.   In light of
that, the Chief has been getting quotes for a different boat, trying to get a loaner and other various creative ideas to supply the town with what it needs. He even reached out to the environmental
police to see if they could lend one or cover the lake.

Chief Haughey stated that the goal is to provide a boat that can be used for both the police patrols and the fire department for rescues.  The current estimates on building a boat for those specific
purposes have come been provided.

Regardless of any choice made as to fixing or purchasing, nothing will be available sooner than September. There will be no patrols for this summer.

Mr. Mandell asked if we could buy a boat and get it fitted as we go along. That way there would at least be a boat available. Chief affirmed that was possible.

Chief Haughey will contact the companies to see check on exact delivery dates. Also Lt. Swain is spearheading a grant for equipment and there may some opportunity to add to the grant to help
fund equipment for the boat. Another option may be to purchase a demo boat after the season.

Chief Haughey stated that even though there are no current patrols he has had officers stationed at the boat ramp. The officers have been very successful in stopping people from putting
unregistered boats into the lake.

Public Access   - none

Executive session voted by Roll call. The session falls under # 1 of the allowable reason for executive session as determined in the Open Meeting Law. The Select Board announced the meeting would not reconvene in public forum afterwards.
Roll call: Lawrence Mandell, aye.  Elias Gillen, aye.
Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn public meeting, seconded Mr. Gillen. So voted at 7:30 pm.
Next meeting to be August 4, 2015.

Kelli A. Robbins
Executive Secretary
Town of Holland
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA 01521
Phone 413-245-7108 EXT. 101
Fax 413-245-7037